Space: x = 283 mm; y = 534 mm; z = 339 mm
Space: x = 247 mm; y = 696 mm; z = 468 mm
Space: x = 286 mm; y = 502 mm; z = 343 mm
Space: x = 283 mm; y = 283 mm; z = 465 mm
Space: x = 194 mm; y = 598 mm; z = 367 mm
Space: x = 368 mm; y = 368 mm; z = 359 mm. Frontview.
Space: x = 314 mm; y = 314 mm; z = 441 mm
Space: x = 735 mm; y = 796 mm; z = 849 mm
Space: x = 453 mm; y = 465 mm; z = 449 mm
Flat Earth Day
Space: x = 317 mm; y = 283 mm; z = 366 mm
Flat Is COOl ;)
Space: x = 233 mm; y = 557 mm; z = 396
No ability for correct front- and backside illusion.
Original drawing in magenta and red.
No impossibility, but cool.
Perspective: Front- and backside.
Frontside view
Backside view
Space: x = 304 mm; y = 589 mm; z = 347 mm
View from back
Endless Story is coming to an end.
Production shot´s including cat content.
Credits to Bucwah for illustration.
x = y = z = 1020 mm
Front- and backside. More solutions are able.
Space: x = 1018; y = 762 mm; z = 1176 mm
Credits to Bucwah
x = 720 mm; y = 720 mm; z = 420 mm
Space: x = 1527 mm; y = 658 mm; z = 1519 mm
Backside is working 2
Space: x = 388 mm; y = 762 mm; z = 539 mm
Original drawing is little different, but tomorrow is another day.
Tomorrow: Based! will get a brother and a cleaning. Hope to find some lights, for something like a product- and not a production-shot 🙂
His english name is Bruno Serios.17 kilogram of gold.
Front- and backside
Front and backview
Front and backside
One edge, one side, a real möbius loop.
Front- and backside are different objects.
Front- and Backside
Front- and backview